TABC Certification Course & Exam English Valid Statewide
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TABC Certification plus Food Handler Combo English
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TABC Certification Course & Exam Spanish
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TABC Certification plus Food Handler Combo Spanish
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TABC Frequently asked Questions
Yes, both our Live TABC Certification (#137-137) and our Learn2Serve TABC Certification Online partner (#454-508) are Texas approved
The Texas alcoholic Beverage Commission does not recognize other states seller server training. Other state certificates do not transfer here.
You can be TABC certified at any age. However, you must be at least 18 to work at an on-premises business such as a bar or restaurant (NOTE: you can be younger than 18 if you are a cashier but you cannot take drink orders or serve the drinks) You must be 21 to work in an adult orientated business or a package liquor store.You can be younger than 18 to work in a store that just sells beer and wine. It is always best practice to call the TABC if you are not sure
No. TABC Certification is not mandatory (under most circumstances) in Texas however most employers require it
Yes. You can be certified with a criminal history in most cases. Call TABC seller training for your specific case details
2 years for each of them
Yes. Your certification is reported to TABC
If you tool the class from or any other Learn2Serve affiliate you can log back in an reprint any time. if you got it from another business, you have to call them.
No. You must take the course and exam again
Yes. Please contact us on the Contact Page
Yes. We mostly have them in the Austin Central Texas area, but we do travel to other locations. Please contact us on the Contact Page or call Tom Conrad at (512) 217-4539
No. You will print it on your printer or any other printer
You can call us at Call 1 (877) 881-2235 or see our Support Page
Food Handler Frequently asked questions
Yes. We are the official affiliate partner of Learn2Serve #TXDSHS9
No. You can be certified at any age
If the Card was accredited by ANSI it will transfer to Texas and any state
Yes. You need a card unless you are selling certain types of prepackaged food
In most cases you can still get certified
No. You will print it on your printer or any other printer
The Food Handlers Card has the student name, TXDSHS Learn2Serve Provider #9, Learn2Serve address, the training date, and the expiration date
You can see our Customer Support page or call Call 1 (877) 881-2235