What Time do Liquor Stores Open in Texas?
What days and hours can I buy alcohol in Texas? These questions are some of the most frequently asked questions we get here at myTABC.com. Some more common questions are what are the liquor store hours in Texas, Texas liquor store hours, what time can you buy liquor in Texas, Texas alcohol hours, what times can a bar operate, what times can private clubs operate, what are the hours for a winery, and what time can I buy beer in grocery stores or convenience stores?
So, you get the picture. Hours of operation of bars, liquor stores, and grocery stores is a curiosity of lots of people. Texas has very strict laws concerning alcohol sales and service. You can learn more about selling and serving alcohol by getting your TABC Certification Online. I have listed the hours of sale and consumption of alcohol in Texas below.
Texas has Some Strange Confusing Hours of Alcohol Operation :
Why Can’t I Buy Liquor on Sunday?
Many new Texans who have moved here from other states and even home-grown Texans are confused about when they can buy beer, liquor, and wine in Texas. Texas does have some strict hours when you can buy and where you can buy alcohol. In some states, a person can buy alcohol 24 hours a day every day. In some states, one can buy not only beer and wine but also hard liquor like vodka and tequila in grocery stores and even in gas stations or WalMart.
How Many Types of TABC Alcohol Sales and Service Permits are there?
Texas TABC has many types of alcohol licenses and permits. The type of permit (license) determines when, who, where what and how a business can sell or serve alcohol. Below are a few of the most common types of on and off premises alcohol permits that consumers need answers for. Note: This article is helfpful guide intended for consumer information. Retailers should always check directly with the TABC office for your proper permits and hours of operation.
What are the Hours of Operation for Alcohol Sales in a Bar, Restaurant, Liquor or Grocery Store in Texas?
Package (Liquor) Store Hours in Texas:
Monday through Saturday- 10 am to 9 pm and closed on Sunday. Liquor stores are also closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. If Christmas Day or New Years’ Day falls on a Sunday, then the store must close on the following Monday. (I know. Weird, right?) Note: Liquor stores may also sell beer if they have a (BF) license, but the beer sales hours are the same as for liquor
Grocery and Convenience Store Beer & Wine Sale Hours in Texas
Monday through Friday 7 am to Midnight. Saturday 7 am to 1 am. Sunday 10 am to 12 Midnight Note: These stores can only sell wine not to exceed 14% alcohol by volume. (unless they have an additional permit to sell wine above 14% by volume and those sales have some different hours)
Mixed-Beverage Permitees such as bars, pubs (and Mixed Beverage Permits with Food Such as Restaurants )
Monday to Friday 7 am to Midnight | Saturday 7 am to 1 am | Sunday Noon to Midnight (10 am to Noon if the alcoholic beverage is served with food to the customer) Note: if the business holds a late hours permit, customers may purchase until 2 am every day, However, consumption of the alcohol must end by 2:15 am
Winery Hours to Sell and Serve Wine
Wineries may sell wine to the ultimate consumer for both on and off premises consumption. Wineries may obtain a Winery Festival permit (GF) and sell to the ultimate customer at civic or wine festivals, farmers markets, or other special events. The winery hours are: Monday to Saturday 8 am to Midnight. Sunday 10 am to Midnight. and New Years Day Midnight to 2 am. Customers can continue to consume the wine until 2:15 each night with or without a late hours permit if the community has extended hours permits
Hours to Serve Alcohol in Private Clubs
Note: Private Club Permit holders must provide regular food service to their members and guests. The service hours are Monday to Friday 7 am to Midnight. Saturday 7 am to 1 am. Sunday Noon to Midnight. ( Private Clubs can serve alcohol at 10 am to Noon on Sunday if they serve food with the alcoholic beverage) If a Private club has a Late Hours permit, they may serve alcohol until 2 am each day
Wine Only Package Store (Permit Q) Hours of Operation
These retailers can sell wine not to exceed 24% alcohol by volume, and malt liquor and ale. Hours are: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 9 pm. Closed Sunday (also closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. If Christmas Day or New Years Day falls on a Sunday. then the store has to close the following Monday. Note:These retailers may also sell beer if they hold a Beer Retailer’s Off Premise Permit (BF)
If you are a bartender, server, store clerk, winery worker, or any one else who needs TABC Certification you can get it in our website. If you need TABC Certification and Texas Food Handlers you can get that Here We also will come to your business for a Live TABC Certification Class
Absolutely true. I have never understood why they started that business model. They seemed to always be packed. I think
a lot of them suffered as did many bars when the Happy Hour rules were drastically changed back in the mid 80’s.